
Protective Custody Fostering

We have a great need for protective custody foster parents! Protective Custody (PC) animals are those who were seized by our Humane Law Enforcement team and are awaiting a court disposition. They are in “legal limbo” and are unable to move forward with their adoption process until they are awarded into our custody by a judge or are surrendered to us by their owner. These animals live in the shelter for months or years at a time while they await their release from PC, so we do our best to send them into foster care rather than having them live in a kennel.

As PC foster animals are not legally PSPCA animals, they have a few conditions attached to their care:

  • They cannot leave the state of PA (foster must live in PA)
  • They cannot be promoted for adoption
  • They cannot have photos/videos taken or shared of them
  • They cannot be physically altered in any way (namely, spayed or neutered) unless approved by our director of HLE
  • All of their medical care must be approved by our HLE and/or medical director and occur at the PSPCA
  • They may be returned to the custody of their owner if ordered by a judge

PC foster parents must:

  • Have previously fostered for the PSPCA
  • Complete a PC foster application
  • Undergo a background check
  • Live within PA

Fostering these animals is extremely rewarding. They are typically long-term fosters but seeing them flourish in a home rather than languish in a kennel makes every day worth it!